
Yesterday the AHA had a membership rally at the Yazoo brewery in Nashville. The event started at 2pm and we arrived soon after. We were greeted at the door by fellow MSBC member and current president Mike Semich. After a couple of the guys I rode with got signed up to join the AHA we entered into the brewery stopping off at a temporary tasting area they had setup outside with a three tap jockey box. In this jockey box they had three different IPAs on tap labeled as #1, #2 and #3. Well since there were three of us and three different beers to try we decided no matter how goofy it would look we would each get a different beer and taste it and then swap. After trying all three I came to the conclusion that Yazoo was incapable of making a bad IPA. I'm not a hop head at all and have only found a few that I can say I really like so it was a treat to taste three from one place that were excellent. After walking into the brewery we caught up to a tour that was in mid session being led by Yazoo founder and brewmaster Linus Hall. As we began listening in on what was left of the tour the rest of the crowd moved out from behind the tall conical fermenters and I looked for fellow members of the MSBC that may have gotten threr earlier. I did see one more member. Jason F. but right in front of him was a bit of a shock... it was Charlie P, the Brew Father. After mingling about for a while we asked Charlie if we could have a picture taken with him. Of course obliged (more than once actually since we had some camera issues). It was a great time. It was the first AHA event I'd ever been to, but hopefully not the last.