Posted on 10:15 PM, under

Well, I should be fully kegging by this weekend. A friend and fellow homebrewer called while I was at work today and said he was going to All Seasons in Nashville and wanted to know if I needed anything. Not wanting to pass up a chance to buy more homebrewing "schwag", I asked him to pick me up a CO2 regulator, some beverage hose and some cobra/party faucets. All I need now is to pick up some gas line from Lowes and I'll be all set.
After working some more on my fermentation box I decided to clean and sanitize my (currently) one and only cornie keg. I filled it up with cleaner and sloshed it around a little. Then I attached the ball lock quick disconnects to the keg and hooked up my air pump that I use to aerate my wort and ran the cleaner thru the system. I then repeated the same with some Star San. After that I racked over my Belgian Pale Ale and sealed it up. Can't wait to pour me a glass from my very own kegging system.

I'm about to finish up on building my Fermentation Box. This will allow me to lock in a fermentation temperature that is ideal for fermenting a certain type of beer. It seems that the average temp for most Ales is 68f so that will be what I'll set it at initially. I think I can get two or three buckets and/or carboys inside the box so I'll have to make sure I get some that have similar "Ideal" temperatures.
Several of the comps I've entered the judges have said something about fruity esters in my beers. That can come from higher than ideal temps or temps going up and down during fermentations. Hopefully that will be a thing of the past now with this new toy.
The box is made from an old crate that contained an IBM server cabinet (that's why it's base is a pallet). It's insulated with two layers of 1" thick foam insulating boards. The door was a spare cabinet door that the previous owners of our house had left over after apparently redoing the kitchen.
I have a smaller door that I may add to the left side later on. I found out that the door is the perfect size for access to a corny keg. I may also divide the box inside so I can have a small section at a much lower temp (~35f) to serve the purpose of a place to store cornies used as bright tanks.

The temp in the basement while I was working on this was 41f after closing it all up and putting a small lamp with a 60 watt bulb inside the temp was up to 59f in a matter of about 10 minutes.
It's currently at 64f. I'd call that a success...