As per my flow chart, here are the steps in my brew process with pics:
1.) Enter Recipe in to ProMash
I have my brew house computer and my main computer on a network so that when I come up with a recipe or session and save it I can pull it up on the brew house computer.

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2.) Bring 1 Gallon of water to boil. Add to mash tun to adjust thermal mass
I boiled one gallon of water in my HLT and ran that into the mash tun. I figure in my HLT deadspace by running water into the HLT while the valve is open. Once water begins to run out (into a container of course) I let it run until it stops. From that point on I have basically set my deadspace to 0.

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3.) Weigh out Hops and Grain.
I would normally weigh out my grains on the scale pictured below. However this time I bought my grains at All Seasons and when I gave the lady my recipe she put them all in one bag.

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4.) Divide Hop additions into different bags.
I just use small snack bags to divide each addition. Then lable with type, order and time.

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5.) Take temperature of unmilled grains.
Decided once I put my flowchart to use that this step is pointless as long as you take the temp after milling.
6.) Have ProMash calculate strike water amount and temp.

7.) Add strike water to HLT and begin heating.
I have a large dowel with markings on one side for my HLT and on the other for my Boil Kettle giving the gallon amount. (They are different since my HLT has deadspace)

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8.) While strike water is heating mill grains.
I've got a Corona type mill that has been adjusted so that it mills/cracks and not grinds the grains into flour. I attached some air duct parts to fashion a ~5lb hopper. Then I attached a drill to the mill so I didn't wear out my arm. Sice this thing wasn't built to run that fast it will throw grains everywhere. To solve this I put a large bag over the milling plates and down into the shoot below (which is made from another duct piece). All the grains fall into a small (new) trash can sitting below.

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9.) Prepare 5.2 and Irish Moss bottles
I just use some small water bottles, ~3/4 of the way with hot water.

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10.) Verify no temp change in grains (*Change this to, Take temp of milled grains*)
Sorry, I never could get a good pic of the temp. I'm glad I took the temperature though. My grains were 51f, way lower than I had expected. Luckily I had my brew house computer handy to adjust my strike water temp.

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11.) When strike water is at temp, dump mash tun pre heat water
Didn't think you guys needed a pic of me pouring out water...
12.) Add milled grains to mash tun.
Again... no pic.
13.) Add strike water and 5.2 to grains while stiring to break up any dough balls and ensuring there are no dry spots.

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14.) Take mash temp reading.
Right on the money.

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15.) Temp correct? Adjust if needed.
I hit it right on first try so I didn't need to adjust. I did swing by Wally World and pick up a small camp stove to have some boiling water ready just in case. Since it was still kinda cool out, and my tap water was cold my plan was to use that if I over shot my mash temp.

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15b.) Didn't want to waste all that boiling water so...
Just a little pick-me-up.

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16.) Close mash tun & note time mash started.
17.) Have ProMash calculate sparge water amount and temp.
This should really not say "...and temp", I always sparge with 170f water

18.) Begin heating sparge water to desired temp

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19.) After grains have mashed 1 hr, begin draining wort sowly into 1/2 gallon pitcher until clear.

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20.) Once wort runs clear, drain into boil kettle & recirculate the runnings /w debris.

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21.) Once all wort has run into boil kettle begin adding sparge water (if to temp) to the mash. Stirring as before.

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22.)Let sparge sit for 15 - 20 mins to allow grains to settle. pic.
23.) After grain bed has settled begin draining wort to boil kettle as before.
Roughly 6.5 gallons to start with.

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24.) Once all wort has drained to boil kettle take a sample for pre-boil gravity.
I Just used a Pyrex measuring cup and scooped out some to set aside to cool so I could take a reading.
25.) Begin boil, once wort begins a rolling boil add hop additions per recipe.

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26.) Add Irish Moss and IM Chiller at last 15 mins of boil.

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27.) At the end of the boil, kill burner and start chiller water.
I ran the waste water back into the sink and watched the temp of the water to make sure I was getting a good heat transfer.

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28.) Once wort has reached pitching temps (<80f) transfer to fermenter.
Didn't take a pic while I was doing this (hands were a little tied up) but all I do is pour the wort thru two strainers into the fermenter.

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29.) Aerate the wort
This is my current aeration system. Next time it will be an O2 tank. I just forgot to pick one up before starting.

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30.) Pitch Yeast
31.) Seal up the fermenter
Didn't have any plastic ones clean, so I had to use a carboy this time.

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32.) Insert air lock
33.) Move fermenter to where ever it will be during fermentation.
That's it, my brew day in pictures....
Here's a few misc pics I took:
Water filter used for RVs. $16 at Wal-Mart

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Ball Valve on my mash tun. I had an issue with the hose kinking up since I didn't have a 90 degree barb so my friend and fellow homebrewer Rich came up with the idea of bending an old clothes hanger around it. Works like a charm!

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This is the Stainless Steel braided hose inside my mash tun.

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And of course, had to keep my check list handy...

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"A mash ratio of about 1.5 quarts of water per pound grain, pH of 5.3, temperature of 150-155° F and a time of about one hour. These conditions yield a wort with a nice maltiness and good fermentability." ~John Palmer
1.) Enter Recipe in to ProMash
I have my brew house computer and my main computer on a network so that when I come up with a recipe or session and save it I can pull it up on the brew house computer.
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2.) Bring 1 Gallon of water to boil. Add to mash tun to adjust thermal mass
I boiled one gallon of water in my HLT and ran that into the mash tun. I figure in my HLT deadspace by running water into the HLT while the valve is open. Once water begins to run out (into a container of course) I let it run until it stops. From that point on I have basically set my deadspace to 0.
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3.) Weigh out Hops and Grain.
I would normally weigh out my grains on the scale pictured below. However this time I bought my grains at All Seasons and when I gave the lady my recipe she put them all in one bag.
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4.) Divide Hop additions into different bags.
I just use small snack bags to divide each addition. Then lable with type, order and time.
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5.) Take temperature of unmilled grains.
Decided once I put my flowchart to use that this step is pointless as long as you take the temp after milling.
6.) Have ProMash calculate strike water amount and temp.
7.) Add strike water to HLT and begin heating.
I have a large dowel with markings on one side for my HLT and on the other for my Boil Kettle giving the gallon amount. (They are different since my HLT has deadspace)
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8.) While strike water is heating mill grains.
I've got a Corona type mill that has been adjusted so that it mills/cracks and not grinds the grains into flour. I attached some air duct parts to fashion a ~5lb hopper. Then I attached a drill to the mill so I didn't wear out my arm. Sice this thing wasn't built to run that fast it will throw grains everywhere. To solve this I put a large bag over the milling plates and down into the shoot below (which is made from another duct piece). All the grains fall into a small (new) trash can sitting below.
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9.) Prepare 5.2 and Irish Moss bottles
I just use some small water bottles, ~3/4 of the way with hot water.
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10.) Verify no temp change in grains (*Change this to, Take temp of milled grains*)
Sorry, I never could get a good pic of the temp. I'm glad I took the temperature though. My grains were 51f, way lower than I had expected. Luckily I had my brew house computer handy to adjust my strike water temp.
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11.) When strike water is at temp, dump mash tun pre heat water
Didn't think you guys needed a pic of me pouring out water...
12.) Add milled grains to mash tun.
Again... no pic.
13.) Add strike water and 5.2 to grains while stiring to break up any dough balls and ensuring there are no dry spots.
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14.) Take mash temp reading.
Right on the money.
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15.) Temp correct? Adjust if needed.
I hit it right on first try so I didn't need to adjust. I did swing by Wally World and pick up a small camp stove to have some boiling water ready just in case. Since it was still kinda cool out, and my tap water was cold my plan was to use that if I over shot my mash temp.
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15b.) Didn't want to waste all that boiling water so...
Just a little pick-me-up.
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16.) Close mash tun & note time mash started.
17.) Have ProMash calculate sparge water amount and temp.
This should really not say "...and temp", I always sparge with 170f water
18.) Begin heating sparge water to desired temp
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19.) After grains have mashed 1 hr, begin draining wort sowly into 1/2 gallon pitcher until clear.
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20.) Once wort runs clear, drain into boil kettle & recirculate the runnings /w debris.
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21.) Once all wort has run into boil kettle begin adding sparge water (if to temp) to the mash. Stirring as before.
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22.)Let sparge sit for 15 - 20 mins to allow grains to settle. pic.
23.) After grain bed has settled begin draining wort to boil kettle as before.
Roughly 6.5 gallons to start with.
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24.) Once all wort has drained to boil kettle take a sample for pre-boil gravity.
I Just used a Pyrex measuring cup and scooped out some to set aside to cool so I could take a reading.
25.) Begin boil, once wort begins a rolling boil add hop additions per recipe.
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26.) Add Irish Moss and IM Chiller at last 15 mins of boil.
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27.) At the end of the boil, kill burner and start chiller water.
I ran the waste water back into the sink and watched the temp of the water to make sure I was getting a good heat transfer.
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28.) Once wort has reached pitching temps (<80f) transfer to fermenter.
Didn't take a pic while I was doing this (hands were a little tied up) but all I do is pour the wort thru two strainers into the fermenter.
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29.) Aerate the wort
This is my current aeration system. Next time it will be an O2 tank. I just forgot to pick one up before starting.
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30.) Pitch Yeast
31.) Seal up the fermenter
Didn't have any plastic ones clean, so I had to use a carboy this time.
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32.) Insert air lock
33.) Move fermenter to where ever it will be during fermentation.
That's it, my brew day in pictures....
Here's a few misc pics I took:
Water filter used for RVs. $16 at Wal-Mart
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Ball Valve on my mash tun. I had an issue with the hose kinking up since I didn't have a 90 degree barb so my friend and fellow homebrewer Rich came up with the idea of bending an old clothes hanger around it. Works like a charm!
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This is the Stainless Steel braided hose inside my mash tun.
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And of course, had to keep my check list handy...
Click here for larger Pic
"A mash ratio of about 1.5 quarts of water per pound grain, pH of 5.3, temperature of 150-155° F and a time of about one hour. These conditions yield a wort with a nice maltiness and good fermentability." ~John Palmer