It's been a while since I last posted on here.. guess I've been too busy brewing. After my Brown Ale below I took a short break from brewing (not on purpose, just too busy) and then about 2 weeks ago I took a Friday and a Monday off from work to relax a litte and do some brewing. That Friday I did a Strawberry Wine, Saturday I did a Grape Mead/Pyment, that Sunday I did an Apple Cider and then Monday I did a Rauchbier (German Smoked Beer). All are fermenting away. I will be moving the wine over to a secondary fermenter here in the next few days and then soon after I'll do the mead. The cider is in a 3 gallon glass carboy so I may leave it unless I find that it should be moved as well. The Rauchbier is a lager, but since I can't keep temps in the 40s in my fermentation box I had to use the San Francisco lager yeast which is a hybrid yeast that will maintain lager characteristics at ale temps. I was able to get it to stay at around 57 degrees so this strain of yeast should be very clean. I hope with the smokey character of the beer any off flavors the yeast may impart will be masked. I also did a Barleywine yesterday (7-3-07) that is currently kicking. My target OG was 1.105 but I only hit 1.084. Dunno what happened since it was an extract batch. I think I may have had an issue with the specialty grains not being able to leech their sugars out of the muslin bags that I used. I need to pick up a
few large straining bags for use during mini-mashes and extract w/ specialty grain brews. To the left is a pic of my fermentation box as it is this morning. The cider is in the carboy w/ the orange cap, the mead and wine are in the small plastic containers (1 gallon each) and the beer w/ the big frothy krausen layer is the barley wine. The Rauchbier is over to the right out of the pic.