As an experiment to find the purpose of Twitter I decided I was going to "Tweet" all week and come the weekend decide if this was something goofy or if it was something I just didn't understand. I have already found one use for it. I follow James at Basic Brewing on twitter and yesterday I got a message on my cell phone saying "Interviewing Chris Colby in an hour and a half on growing hops in planters. Send me your questions!" So I was able to rattle off several questions directly to him. Then on the way home last night after a late meeting I was standing outside putting gas in my truck in the 17 degree weather with the wind blowing and I get this text message: "CharliePapazian: Is it time for a beer yet?"
...Charlie felt my pain... he knew what I was thinking. ...yes Charlie, it WAS time for a beer.
...Charlie felt my pain... he knew what I was thinking. ...yes Charlie, it WAS time for a beer.